My mindfulness journey - What most influenced my decision to change my life?

What influenced my decision to change my life? -My mindfulness journey

So, what was that most influenced my decision to change my life? As I wrote in the previous post, “My mindfulness journey,” my business started in one moment to overwhelmed me, and I felt like I cannot continue like that.

I needed a break. But, first break, and probably the most important, happened by chance. I was almost forced to go on a vacation to Egypt. Because I could not really relax, I felt bored. It was, however, one diving center in the hotel, so I decided to “kill” one day trying out this strange activity. I never liked to go on vacation to the sea. It seems there is nothing to do while there. I was even, not a very good swimmer.

So, I did not have any high hopes that this diving will be any different. I was wrong. The moment I got under the sea, everything has changed. Also, it helps that this was the Red Sea, the most beautiful and colorful sea that you can imagine. I instantly knew that this was it. So many colors, life, and unbelievably calm, and quiet.

A significant influence on my decision to change my life

After I came back to Serbia, I took my Scuba diving certification course and never looked back. Luckily, I had a great instructor, and scuba diving becomes my passion. In the beginning, I was worried that I can not endure a whole week on a boat and that I will stay hungry because I don’t eat fish. Of course, nothing of this happened, and those trips are still the moments I enjoy the most. Every chance I had, I went on some Scuba diving trips and enjoyed every moment.

On those vacations, I was able to relax and forget the troubles and challenges that waited for me at home and work. I even started to switch off my mobile phone as soon as I arrived at the airport and not switch it back on for the whole duration of the trip. Fortunately, in my company, I had some outstanding and reliable colleagues so that I could leave the company in safe hands. Sometimes they even made better decisions than I would.

Diving community, my diving buddies showed me that you could, at least for those few days, become completely unattached from everyday life problems and just commit to the deepness of the sea. This group of extraordinary people meant a lot to me, and even now, I look to spend as much time with them as possible on various diving trips around the world.

Need to recall how important it is to enjoy life

One more fortuitous event in my life was when I met someone who taught me how to enjoy everyday life moments, the craft I totally forgot. I have really felt better, but I knew I wanted more.

On one of my Scuba diving safaris, I went to Thailand. Although it was not my first time there, it was the first time we had some more time to explore this stunning country. It is known as Land of Smiles, and it really is.

One day we hire a local guide to show us a little bit more of “real” Bangkok. And he did.

Introduction to Thai culture

What influenced my decision to change my life? Our local guide proposed to take us to a real Thai restaurant, where Thai people go for a meal. This food was completely different from what we eat in restaurants for tourists, and I immediately fell in love with this food. To this day, if I must choose, the best thing here is the food, spicy and rich in all kinds of taste. His talk about the Thai way of life, with its Buddhist roots, was so honest and inspiring that I thought that it would be enjoyable to live here for a while.

There and then I decided to start to plan my change of environment and the way I perceive the world and, most importantly, the problems that are an integral part of everyone’s life. I needed, therefore, to learn how to obtain and adopt this peaceful view that Thai people had.

Start of my mindfulness journey

As soon as I got back home, I started to search for places where I can learn more about meditation and mindfulness. I never was, and I think that I still am not a religious person. I do not believe in an afterlife or supreme being that rules our destiny. But I am sure that you can be a better person and to lead your life in harmony with other living humans, animals, and the environment. In peace with the planet if I can say that.

If you want to know more

In the following stories, I will try to bring you my true mindfulness adventure in detail, and I hope to help some of you to embark on the mindfulness journey of your own. You will learn more answers to the question, “What influenced my decision to change my life?” You can also read this story from the beginning here.

Let me know what you want to know the most, and how can I help you with my experience. Moreover, next week I will write more on things that lead me to start contemplating my plans for change.

If you want to learn more about things I write about, check out my books. See also what the goal of this web site is. You can check out my other post about mindfulness, and share your thoughts and comments.

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Enjoy reading!



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