equality and diversity

Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity are the words that many take for granted. In these challenging times, it may seem to me, an older white guy from Serbia, with little or no personal experience with racism, to fully understand the seriousness and determination that people all over the world have about racial equality. I genuinely believe that their pain is real and the product of centuries of oppression and racist abuse.

Do we understand what privilege is?

I was raised in a family where all people were treated equally and measured only for their knowledge and kindness. I can not imagine why anyone would think differently. For me, the single most defining characteristic of humankind is the ability to have mutual understanding and tolerance to other people. There is no room for privileges based on race, ethnicity, or religion, even preferences like sexual, political, or other.

I recognize that people are different. This just adds to the quality of our lives and is no reason to put anyone above the other.

Equality is about treating people fairly and ensuring they have equal opportunity. Only then they can make the most of their lives and talents. It means treating everyone with fairness and respect and recognizing the needs of individuals wherever we can.

The history

People have diverse backgrounds, with different skills, knowledge, and life experiences. It is essential to value these differences, using them to create a better community.

Fait treatment, equal opportunity, and elimination of the barriers that prevent some groups from access all those rights must be at the heart of our democratic goals. To see that in the 21st century, in the most developed country, and some would say the ultimate democracy, there are strong forces that oppose that, is for, unacceptable. I don’t want to go in the deep reasons why is that still the issue. I suppose that power and money are the most likely reasons, but whatever the reason is, it should stop0 now. Today must be the first day of the end of the racial, religious, social, sexual, gender, and any other discrimination. If we all start to have an active role, and work every day and remind our surroundings of that, I sure hope that our children could live in a society of diversity and equality.

It should not be complicated. Many people that are privileged in this social media world have already risen their voices. Young people that looked up to them for some other reasons just a few months before now have the chance to see real values from their stars. It is the right use of fame and should be celebrated. I am sure that history will remember those that have spoken. I am also sure that it is true for the ones that have a kind heart but choose to stay silent.

The power of education

The right education and awareness must be our priority and focus when bringing up the young ones. It would help to create a generation that does not know what discrimination is.

There is a lot to do, and maybe one generation is not enough, but we must do our part.

I am sure that it can be done, and it must be done. Also, I am confident that we will achieve this for us and for the next generations that will inherit this planet.

This “rant” was not directly on mindfulness. Still, I think we all can agree that mindful relationship to others will make this behavior more probable, and that mindful people do not have any doubt what the right kind of behavior is and help to achieve Equality and Diversity.

If you want to know more

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