About My Quest For A Better Life
Hi, I’m George M. Posi. Welcome to my blog on my quest for a better life.
I’m an internet author and publisher and experienced entrepreneur. For the past 30 years, I have been the owner and manager of my own IT company. Five years ago, I started my journey towards mindfulness and began to seek new challenges. I promised myself this. All businesses that I do, I do with respect and kindness to myself and others.
Why I am doing this?
I started this blog as a way to reach as many people as I can. I want to help others commit to this value in every area of their lives. It can be done through self-development, including health, fitness, emotions, mindset, and spirituality.
My mission – away to a better life
The mission of my blog is to be a positive example of the unlimited possibilities that life offers for those that are genuinely committed to seeking mindfulness in their everyday activities.
You can read my Books on Amazon, and check out my YouTube channel, where I also talk about my experiences. I would like to reach as many people as I can by sharing my story on all Social media channels.
I am grateful for all the experiences that I had in my life this first 55 years. All of those, positive and negative, helped me learn essential life lessons. My life has since truly changed, and I’ve made it my mission to give back and serve others beyond myself.
The goal of this site
I hope that it will motivate you to pursue your goals and dreams. To be more productive, improve your health and fitness. To inspire you to continually improve yourself to become the best that you can be.
On this site, I will openly and passionately share all my experiences that have made a measurable difference to the quality of my life. I am sure it will work for you as well.
The Topics
Topics that I write about are Health and Fitness, Yoga, Mind and Beliefs, Emotions, Relationship, Mission and Purpose, Productivity, Spirituality, and more…
Achieving peace and happiness
Both peace and happiness are really what all of us are seeking. On the surface, it seems that you want food, wealth, sex, entertainment, and respect. In the end, it all comes down to peace and happiness.
Then, you can ask, what is happiness?
Is it to have everything you want and to be in control of everything? Think again. Are the people that have control and power happy? Well, not more than others. It is not possible to have everything you want. Instead, you can learn to control your mind, to stop contaminate it with desire and aversion. You can learn to recognize desire. You can also learn not to be controlled by it. In no way does this mean that you should lie down and accept everything that happens to you. It just means that you assume a new point of view on everyday life events.
By all means, you will change things that you can, but you will also learn to accept those that you cannot.
Look inside yourself
Look carefully inside yourself, truthfully and objectively, and learn to see those moments. Learn to see them without judgment, and you will be able to make radical changes in your everyday life. Then, you will see yourself as you are right now. One must let go of all illusions, judgment, or resistance to change. You will, of course, stay active in society as the social being you are. If you fulfill your duties and obligations to your family and friends, and all fellow human beings and, most importantly, your responsibility to yourself, you are on your path to true happiness.
As your understanding grows, the more compassionate you can be. You will be ready to forgive and forget and to learn to love by agreement. This is only possible if you understand yourself.
This is not an issue of faith. It is really an issue of confidence and experience. It is made through everyday practice and endurance on the path to discover things as they really are.
So far, I manage to publish some books on Amazon that you can also check on Good Reads. Books are a great way to communicate my views, and that you can avoid some errors I have done. When possible, it is always better to learn trough someone’s mistakes, not yours. I will work hard on creating a community of people with similar interests. I hope you will help me with that. You can also visit my Facebook page, Instagram Account, or Twitter. Find which of them is right for you. This is an excellent way to stay in contact and to interact.
A way to a better life
On this blog site, you can read posts on mindfulness, and how mindfulness can help you with procrastination, how to deal with emotions, or how meditation can improve your quest to inner peace.
My aim is to reach more people and get my message trough, creating an even bigger community. It will be nice to have your comment on what do you think I should make videos about.
Also, in the future, I would love to develop a place where we all can share our experiences and be able to go deeper inside the topic of creating an environment to help you achieve your peace of mind.
Creating the community
Here, and on other platforms, I share all my experiences, thoughts, and difficulties on my path to mindfulness.
I would love to hear from you. What are your concerns, motivations, obstacles, and incentives deeply engage with mindfulness? How can I help you?
Would you like to hear more about the Buddhist mindfulness foundation, or you prefer more hands-on ways to help you to this path?
Our joint quest to a better life
I invite you to use all the resources I provided for you and to share your thoughts and comments.
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