How to achieve mindfulness and inner peace by practicing yoga?
If you have ever been stressed, you know the effects of stress. You can’t think straight anymore. You’re always anxious. And you can’t achieve anything meaningful because of a lack of motivation and reduced productivity. Things seem not to go as you would want them to. You are not in a great place. Achieve this with Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga.
Yoga is an ancient practice. I highly regard it as one of the most effective ways to manage stress and cultivate happiness and peace of mind. Besides reducing body pain, increasing flexibility and body strength.
Yoga is a ‘connection’ or ‘union’. In Sanskrit, they usually use the word to denote connection. We can define it as the state of the connection or a set of techniques that let you connect to anything (see the next chapter to have a better understanding).
The origin of yoga is also not clear, but researchers think the practice is about 10,000 years old. However, its development we can trace back to over 5,000 years ago. Some experts maintain that Northern India was the place where yoga began by the “Indus-Sarasvati” civilization. We note the first mention of the word ‘yoga’ in the oldest sacred texts known as the Rig Veda. The Vedas were sets of books that contained mantras, texts, rituals, and songs, the Vedic priests.
Looking at it at the most practical level, you find that yoga is the whole process of being more aware of who you are. Its techniques bring about health and balance and unfold your dormant, hidden potential. It allows you to be more aware of yourself and feels more connected. This method makes the practice a process of self-discovery, which guides you to self-realization and self-mastery.