Can mindfulness meditation help achieve happiness

How can mindfulness meditation make you happier?

“Can mindfulness meditation make you happier?” is a very personal question. I don’t think there’s a universal answer. Meditation is a tool, and it can help. True happiness is an almost elusive goal, even for the most persistent meditators.

Can mindfulness meditation make you a happier person? A state of a calm mind is, undoubtedly, possible. And it is one of the preconditions for achieving genuine happiness. But also is a life full of tolerance, compassion, and good intentions towards other living beings, and above all to yourself. The calm mind helps. Of course, there’s a world around you, and the question is how much you can make it work. However, when you understand impermanence, it will be easier for you to accept what you cannot change.

What activities can you help other than meditating?

My dear friend asked me a few days ago what else can help you achieve happiness beside of mindfulness meditation. What if mediation is not working for you, or how you make it work?

The job you love and the friends who understand you can always help. At least a temporary change of surroundings, like traveling the world, activities such are scuba diving, various sports, whatever relaxes you.

As someone said: “If your job is to do the things you enjoy, you will not work a day in your life.” It is so true. You will spend a third of your day working. It is a has of your awaken day. Finding what it is, that makes you happy and satisfied.

There is one catch.

To be able to do what you love, you must be really, really good at it. Only the people that master their passion can live from it. Competition is high, so you must be able to stand out. In a nutshell, you need to put maximal effort into learning the craft, and then you will excel. But, it is a sure path to success.

Your friends and family

My claim about the friends I think I don’t have to explain. Support of a friend or family member will help you overcome even the hardest periods in your life. You should always invest your friendships and without any expectations that you will get something in return. But you will.

Helpful activities

Making your life exciting and versatile can also help. You could travel the world and meet different people, cultures, viewpoints, and beliefs. You will learn that we are all so different, but so similar in our quest to true happiness. On your travels, you must always respect your hosts and remember that they are just like you, with their problems and joys.

Sport is also an excellent way to remove some tension that arises in your everyday life. It will help not only your physical health but also your mental state. No matter if this is jogging, running, swimming, tennis, football, whatever, as long you can relax and enjoy it. It is also an opportunity to get even closer to your friends, and we know how important that is.

What has helped me?

On a more personal note, music was a big help to me. I never played any instrument before, but I have always loved the music and was able to enjoy it. I might even start to learn to play some instrument, now when I have the time and resources to do that. It is enjoyable to see how people from all over the world enjoy playing music, no matter which genre. Music is a universal language of pure emotion and happiness. It will make you calmer and focused. You will better prepare for the challenges that you have in your life. To answer the question from the beginning of this post: Can mindfulness meditation make you happier?. Yes.

What to expect from a mindfulness meditation practice?

Mindfulness meditation cannot show any results fast. For this to work, you must practice meditation every day, even if it just for ten minutes. You must be consistent in this practice, and give it at least half of the year to see the first results. Still, it can be that it is not the real help for you.

In that case, you can turn to other activities I have mentioned, or study different philosophical viewpoints to find your preference.

But in the end, it all comes down to what’s in your mind. In Eastern philosophy, we’re always responsible for our emotions. I’m sure anyone can do it, but you need a little help on the side.

If you want to know more

If you want to learn more about things I write about, check out my books. See also what the goal of this web site is. You can check out my other post about mindfulness, and share your thoughts and comments.

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