Lockdown in my village

Lockdown – My empty village

Lockdown – It can be a fun exercise for a person that is not socializing that much to observe how empty my village is. But, for many of those that work here, the situation is grim. The season cuts short for more than two months, and many plans are now impossible to fulfill.

To be honest, here is now almost exactly like every low season. It came much earlier, though. There are still some differences, massage salons are not working, and you cannot sit in the restaurants, just have a takeout or delivery food. Also, you can not go to Phuket or Bangkok, because for the time been you are confined to your province. From 10 pm until 4 in the morning we have restrictions on movement, but that in the low season is not really an issue, because anyway, nothing will work then.

What is the difference?

I can still get to go to the beach, but not on official ones, with the restaurants, sunbeds, and umbrellas. I did not go there anyway, except in high season when I have friends from my country visiting.

Most of the sightseeing places and temples are also closed, so you really don’t have a lot of places to travel.

It all means that you can, now while in Lockdown, do the things you always wanted to do but did not have time to do it. If you can work from home, and your work does not depend on tourism, you can actually do more than before.

For that, you must, unfortunately, have iron discipline. It is hard to get yourself to work outside your usual working environment. You must arrange part of your home as a working space, and then you can concentrate on your work. Also, if you do not naturally have deadlines, you must introduce them now. It is too tempting to spend a whole day on the internet, watching the news, and all kinds of conspiracy theories about this situation.

Keep your mind and body busy

If you fall into the trap of exploring each of them, you will soon lose your mind.

Limit yourself to a small amount of time browsing, and let more time for improving your self, studying, exercising, or meditating.

If you always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, or to paint, this is a time. If you need to finish some studies, and if you can do them online, do it.

You must also keep your body in good shape. Exercise, jog, run, do yoga every day. It will kill some of the time and do your body and mind well.

Improve your meditation practice

Meditate. The perfect way to explore your mind and, at the same time, keep it calm is that you continue and improve your meditation practice while in Lockdown. Explore new ways of meditation, and learn more ways to practice. Try them out and find which are the best for you. Next, practice even more. When all of this passes, you will by then gain the habit, and all of these activities (studying, exercising, and meditating) will become your second nature and integral part of your life. You will always be able to find the time to do them. It will be a great benefit to this unfortunate situation. It is really the truth, so you should just think that way and instantly feel better.

I don’t know how long this isolation will last, but I know that it will finish eventually. Until then, stay safe. We will be seeing each other in some better times when Lockdown ends.

If you want to know more

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Enjoy reading!



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