my lockdown days

My lockdown days

My lockdown days may be different than yours. As you can imagine, if you live in a small village that is full of people only when it is high season, it is different here.

Since there are no people, social distancing is easy to achieve. Here in the high season are more than 20.000 people, and now around 3.000. And even half of the shops are not working. Still, in the rest of them, you rarely see other customers. Masks are compulsory in Thailand, we all wear them, but you really are not in contact with anyone. Restaurants only have takeaway or delivery. Official beaches are closed, but the sand is free for everyone. You can go and soak the sun or swim in the sea. No food, sunbeds, or umbrellas, though.

How we live here

There is a curfew, but from 10 PM until 4 AM I am not feeling it, because I am not a nighly person. I am at home always before that time.

You can not go to Phuket, but everything else is the same as every low season here.

There is one big exception. The only thing I miss in this situation is that massage salons are not working. I think I will manage without them, but still…

We don’t have public transport here, so I do not miss that either. The internet is working, almost everything I usually do, I do online, so nothing has changed.

I did come to this place because I knew that, especially in the low season, it is quiet. So, this year I just have that atmosphere a little bit longer.

My friends that are working here had their season shortened, and it will be a rough time ahead. We can all hope that next season, from late October, will be in a better spirit. I hope that tourists will be back.

All the stories

During My lockdown days I am trying not to get too involved in all the stories that are posted online. From my country and all around the world, I listen to the official reports and try to avoid different conspiracy theories. I know that the truth is somewhere in between official and non-official sources, but I have learned the hard way not to be involved in things I cannot change. Especially emotionally, there is no reason, or purpose, in getting too emotional and involved in things that are out of your control. It will not improve anything, and you will suffer.

This mindful insight helped me a lot before when I was in Serbia, and it continues to help here and now. It requires some training, meditation, and deep insight int your mind. But once you are honest to yourself and realize your capabilities, but the boundaries as well, you will be feeling better. Focusing on things that you can change, and succeeding in most of them will boost your confidence and make you a happier person. Detach from something you have no control over, and you will be calmer.

Be mindful

I know it is much easier for me to be calm. I live alone in a nice house, without any real financial uncertainties.

For someone living in a small apartment, together with many people, some of which are not getting along, and with uncertain business future, it is undoubtedly hard. I genuinely feel for all of those and wish that this will not last too long. I do not have any good advice but to try to keep your mind clear, knowing that this (My and yours lockdown days) is also, as everything will pass.

Stay safe. We will be seeing each other in some better times.

If you want to know more

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