my mindfulness journey the places I love

My mindfulness journey and the places I love

My mindfulness journey and the places I love became the center point of my newly discovered freedom. Understanding and speaking basic Thai helped me to explore places that I would not be able to find otherwise and to make some contact with local people.

I live virtually inside a national park. The beaches are two kilometers to the west, and just one kilometer behind my house is one beautiful waterfall. I love to go there often and enjoy nature. This whole area is placed between the Andaman sea coast and the mountains. This is not the only waterfall around. Also, a bit further are the mountain tops with a stunning view and one big artificial lake. It gives you a perfect opportunity for tracking through the forest and visiting many caves on its shore.

On the south side, some 70 kilometers from here is the famous Phang Nga Bay. We know it better as the home of the infamous  James Bond Island and is the main tourist attraction. I love to visit one restaurant – a viewpoint. There you can look at the bay and enjoy a delicious meal.

Just beyond the Bay is Phuket Island, a prominent tourist hub, which has an entirely different feel to it. It is busy and ideal for young tourists.

Scuba diving paradise

My mindfulness journey and the places I love are enhanced by my love for suba diving. .Here where I am, it is tranquil. It is the place for retired foreigners and active and experienced Scuba divers.

Andaman sea, especially Surin and Similan national parks, is one of the best diving locations in the whole world.

Many of these locations, together with various temples and retreats I have described in my stories already. Today, I will just try to explain how much this nature is influencing everyday life here. It helps local people to keep their inner peace. You know, it helps when teenagers are going every day to enjoy the waterfall instead of sitting in confined space. It also helps when you can go to the beach all year round, and not to have to sit inside. I am not that frequently outside as I can be. In truth, just this opportunity is often enough to calm your mind.

Respect for nature

There is also the way they treat animals. Dogs here are free to go where ever they like because here people do not believe in leashes and ties. Also, they do not have fences around their homes. Everything is open, so all animals move around freely (Chickens, too!).  Unfortunately, many dogs are homeless. On the bright side, they have plenty of food and water everywhere, and really do not need shelter.

Foreigners often find that they need some time to understand that, but I have adopted this behavior very early. The place where I live is essentially a jungle, you can meet a lot of insects, lizards, frogs, even snakes. In time, you learn to live with them in harmony. When accidentally some insect enters my home, I take the time to capture it under the plastic cup and throw it out carefully. There is no sprays and no killing.

The temples

The temples are the places where Thai people are coming for celebrations, but not that much for some real spiritual guidance. Like in most countries, people do not the prtactice religion all that formally.  But, they have a sense of respect for the Buddhist tradition, and most try to live by those recommendations. One of the fascinating differences between Buddhism and most of the other religions is that they do not have commandments or rules, just guidance. The message is the same as, for example, ten commandments of Christianity, but the tone is quite different. There is no Heaven or hell, just you and your sense of right.

I will write here more about my experiences from the Suan Mokkh retreat center, and tell you how you need so little to be happy. I have learned how material conditions are not that important as we thought. Or even how you can sleep on a concrete bed, and still be well-rested in the morning. I have learned how you can eat just before noon, and still not be hungry. And more.

My mindfulness journey and the places I love were a big inspiration for me. I hope these tales will help some of you to embark on the mindfulness journey of your own.

If you want to know more

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