my mindfulness journey, moving out

My mindfulness journey, moving out of the city

My mindfulness journey, moving out of the city, began on one of my Scuba diving trips to Thailand. There I have decided to change my life. I wanted to become a better person and to live a life with compassion and understanding to myself and others.

I shared that thought one afternoon on the beach, and I was a bit surprised, because people that were listened to me just nodded, like it is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

The preparations

I knew that I have a lot to do to prepare everything for my departure. I needed to sell my house. So I did, fortunately very fast and with any problems, for a fair price. I kept just one small apartment in town, “just in case.” The next step was to detach me and my business. First, I thought that maybe I could find someone to manage my company while I was away, but then I realized that with this asset, I would never be free to do what I wanted. I would always consider the implications of my beliefs on my business and how it would impact business partners. So, I decided to start this journey.

Moving out of the city

First, I wanted to try if I can live outside the city rush, in some small town or village. I sold the house and moved to the outskirts of Novi Sad, in a beautiful, but a tiny house, with only minimal necessities. No luxury but a stunning view of the Danube river.

I still had my nine years old dog, and I knew as long as she lives, I will stay here. Immediately as I moved, I felt relaxed. Living away from the busy city had an instant effect. The place where I was then is, to be honest, one of the most beautiful small tourist towns and is a historic site, filled with excellent restaurants and cafes. I had all I needed. I had a nice car, so it was easy for me to get to the city every time I wanted.

These surroundings, together with regular yoga and meditation practice, enabled me to start the process of distancing myself from my company with a clear mind and at ease.

Detaching myself from the company

The problem was that I did not know how one sells the company, how to find buyers, how to assess the price, terms, responsibilities, and everything else. So, I was seeking help. I was very fortunate because I found out that one of my dear friends can really help me through that process. We started to work on the necessary steps and strategies.

Meanwhile, I was regularly going to Scuba diving trips, enjoying the company, and diving itself. I was also trying to check and protect my health as much as I could. Everything looked to be on schedule.

Of course, it never is. About the troubles on my path, I will tell you in my next video. For now, I want to say that without some of my irreplaceable and understanding friends, none of this will be happening.

My mindfulness journey continues

My mindfulness journey continued, and so the story continues. I hope these tales will help some of you to embark on the mindfulness journey of your own.

Let me know what you want to know the most, and how can I help you with my experience. In the following weeks,

I will tell you more about the things that lead me to start contemplating my plans for change.

If you want to know more

If you want to learn more about things I write about, check out my books. See also what the goal of this web site is. You can check out my other post about mindfulness, and share your thoughts and comments.

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Enjoy reading!



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