My mindfulness journey - the company

My mindfulness journey – the company

My mindfulness journey continued, and the next step was to leave the company in safe hands.

I have always believed in the importance of context. I will use this opportunity to tell you more about my business background, why I founded the company in the first place, and why I decided to get rid of it. There is not too much mindfulness in that whole process. It comes much later.

You should love your job

I believe that you need to do for a living a job that makes you feel fulfilled. Of course, that can not be all the time, but it must be a general feeling. Otherwise, you will waste eight hours every day. This lost time no one can give you back. So, try to do things you enjoy.

Naturally, you must also be very, very good at something you do. Just passion is not enough. You still have to gain knowledge, skills, and experience to do this job better than most. Only then you can succeed, and only if you are successful, you can truly enjoy your work. Being successful does not mean having a lot of money.

Does money drive you to thrive?

Well, for me, it does not. For someone else, maybe it does. Anyway, I started to work and to build my own company almost by chance. IT was the industry in its beginning, and it was exciting to go onboard. So I hoped in the middle of my studies, and, inevitably, I was overwhelmed and drop my studies (temporarily). Feeling that you participate and I should say, lead the new technology was a significant boost to my confidence and happiness. For next, well, almost fifteen years, while industry was on the rise, I enjoyed going to work every day.

When it became mainstream, different values started to be essential, instead of learning and showing cutting edge stuff. It became crucial to make money, and this was not really my game, so I started to feel the pressure.

The company, the struggles

The struggle continued, and my business model was not sustainable anymore. I needed to make a change. I did make the change, but I did not enjoy my business anymore.

When I decided to renounce my company, I felt relieved. I knew that this is an irreversible process and that the change is near. On my mindfulness journey – the company was not needed anymore.

At that moment, I realized how much truly committed and loyal friends I have. I don’t know if it is by merit or by chance, but I am grateful all the same. One of them came up with a cache I needed, the other one with a business model that was necessary to implement, the third one with the business portfolio changes, and one lady with the detailed strategy and guidance in the whole transitioning process itself.

I must say that I also had unanimous support from all my close friends to go ahead with this step. So I was not nervous, anxious, or depressed at any moment of this process. It was fortunate, or maybe at least partially well deserved.

I was ready to move on with my mindfulness journey

As it turned out, I end up letting the company to my long time colleague from work, so It was much easier to arrange the details, and also to bring him the knowledge, procedures, and people that are making this company.

The final step of my first steps into a new life has started.

My mindfulness journey continued, without the company. The story continues. I hope these tales will help some of you to embark on the mindfulness journey of your own.

If you want to know more

If you want to learn more about things I write about, check out my books. See also what the goal of this web site is. You can check out my other post about mindfulness, and share your thoughts and comments.

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