Passion and commitment in music and mindfulness

Passion and commitment – How music can help your mindfulness

Passion and commitment are the features that I admire. I love to learn about the people that are able to commit themselves and passionately work toward their goals. Even more, I adore it when I can see how much they enjoy their journey.

You can find one of the best examples of this behavior in music. I have always been a music lover. I do not adhere to some particular genre, but I need to feel that music contains sincere passion and feelings.

The benefits of music

Having not better things to do, I was binge-watching Youtube, and find out just how many people are finding their satisfaction creating or reproducing those beautiful sounds. Then, I decided to switch from an observer to an active participant in that journey. In my senior ages, I decided to try learning a musical instrument. I choose the piano.

It is hard to learn, but the moment you achieve to get some sensible tones out of your instrument is surprisingly satisfying. Then you need to practice more. It is a never-ending endeavor, and you are right and can enjoy it only if you practice a lot. This kind of connection between effort and satisfaction shows me that I can be honestly pleased when I know that my energy is producing a noticeable result.

So, what mindfulness has to do with this all?

The benefits of mindfulness

If you want to advance in your quest for happiness, practicing mindfulness is a good starting point.  Being mindful not only enables you to enjoy good things fully in life as they occur and helps you to be truthfully engaged in activities, but it also increases your ability to deal with undesirable events. Focus on the here and now. Accept that the past is gone, and the future is yet to come and is unknown to us. Learn that your effort will be paying off, but you must be persistent and not give up lightly.

It is essential to practice mindfulness meditation every day to be able to have some results. It can be hard at the beginning, but once you develop the habit, it gets much easier, and it becomes the part of who you are. Same as when you are learning to play a musical instrument.

Also, the same applies to the balance between theory and practice. To be able to understand the rules and origins better, you need to have a certain degree of theoretical knowledge on both topics. But, in both, the only way to truly learn is to practice. Then, when you put an effort in both practice and theory, you can start to enjoy it. The good news is that once you are on that path, it only gets better.

The beauty of excellence

Recently I came across one beautiful video that not only shows the skills, passion, and commitment, but it shows the beauty of the country I am now living in. So, it does not matter where you live or what your social, national, religious, or other background is. It only matters if you love what you do, and do it regularly, getting better at it every day. Enjoy it!

Canon Rock [ Thai Ver. ] Drumming on the sea and mountains

If you want to know more

If you want to learn more about passion and commitment and the things I write about, check out my books. See also what the goal of this web site is. You can check out my other post about mindfulness, and share your thoughts and comments.

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Enjoy reading!



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